Corporate Information Summary

Updated by Emily Kirby

SpeedMatters™ for Corporate Law allows you to view a complete summary containing every aspect of a company since its incorporation.

  1. Launch SpeedMatters with HotDocs® 11 Player.

  2. From the main page screen, select ‘All Forms and Documents’ by double clicking the tab. You will be prompted to create or select a ‘New Answer File.'

  3. Open the answer file (.anx) that you wish to use.

  4. Click ‘OK’ to continue.

  5. From the 'Start Page,' select 'Produce Documents," Letters & Reports" and "Corporation Information Summary."

  6. To see a complete summary containing every aspect of the company since it was incorporated, click the ‘Corporate Summary’ tab on the left-hand side of the screen or click on the 'Document Preview' tab to see a real-time preview of the document to be generated (in this case, the 'Corporate Information Summary').

  7. The ‘Reference Date’ will allow you to display and produce documents pertaining to the Corporation as at any specific point in time.

  8. To change any information in the Corporate Information Summary, go to the appropriate interview screen by selecting and clicking it from the Interview Outline at the left side of your display. 

  9. To print this summary, press the ‘Load printable summary in Document Preview Tab’ at the top of the screen and then press the ‘Send Document to Word Processor’ button. 

The 'Document Preview' window does not always accurately render what the final document will look like. 

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