Understanding the Start Page of SpeedMatters™

Updated by Emily Kirby

To access the Start Page:

  1. Launch HotDocs® 11 Player. Make sure that the  SpeedMatters library is open on the left hand side. 

  2. From the main page screen, select ‘All Forms and Documents’ by double clicking the tab. You will be prompted to create a new Answer File.

  3. Fill out the desired name and location for the corporations Answer File (.anx). 'Click 'OK' to continue. 

  4. To expand all of the necessary tabs, click ‘Yes’ under ‘Show All Menu Items’.


  • Always check and ensure that the Reference Date is set to the desired date on the Start Page.
  • The Reference Date allows you to display and produce documents pertaining to the Corporation as at any specific point in time.


  • If you wish to see reminders about the steps and documents pertaining to the Corporation which appear to be outstanding, select “Yes”.



    • Enter or Review Information loads a Corporate Summary in the Document Preview window, providing an excellent overview of the Corporation’s most important corporate information as at the Reference Date, all of which is automatically generated from the information contained in the Corporation’s answer file.
    • When working with a new Answer File, you will want to start by entering available information about the Corporation by selecting “Enter or Review Information” and then navigating through and completing each of the interviews.

    • You may click “Next” or use the “PgDn” key on your computer to navigate through all interviews in sequence or you may go directly to a specific interview by selecting it from the Interview Outline.

    • When entering data into a drop-down list, if the dropdown area appears white, then the user is able to add a new element by simply typing the desired text into the white area.

    • NOTE: When entering data, there are some things that YOU SHOULD NOT DO:

      - DO NOT delete a person who has already been assigned a role

      - DO NOT delete a share class as to which transactions have been recorded

      - DO NOT delete a share transaction that actually happened without making some offsetting starting balance entry

    • You can avoid accidental deletion or overwriting of your important data by changing the Status of the data to “Completed”, which will grey out the fields on the interview screen.


    • Once you have entered the necessary information, select “Produce Documents” from the Start Page to identify and load the documents you wish to generate into the Document Preview window.

    • You will be able to choose from Common Packages including Incorporation/Organization, Annuals and Share Provisions; or you may choose from a variety of individual documents and forms.

    • With the exception of PDF government forms, all documents whose “Status” is set to “To Be Documented” will be generated and included in the Document Preview tab.

    • Documents may be produced at any time, however, unless information for each variable contained in the document you wish to create has been answered in the interviews, the missing information will not appear in the finished document.

    • You can click on the “Document Preview” tab at any time to see a real-time preview of the document you are producing. If there are any unanswered questions, the missing variable name will appear like this *variable name*.

    • In many, but not all cases, you may click on the missing variable name to open the appropriate interview screen where you can provide the necessary answer.

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