Registers and Ledgers

Updated by Emily Kirby

SpeedMatters makes it possible to simply generate documents such as registers and ledgers.

1.  Open SpeedMatters with HotDocs® 11 Player

2.  From the main page screen, select ‘All Forms and Documents’ by double clicking the tab. You will be prompted to create or select a ‘New Answer File.’  

3.  Open the answer file (.anx) that you wish to use. 

Click ‘OK’ to continue.

4.  To expand all of the necessary tabs, click ‘Yes’ under ‘Show All Menu Items’.

5.  To record the annual business information, you will need to select the following options to continue:

‘What would you like to do today?’ -> ‘Produce document(s)’ 

‘Document Category’ -> ‘Registers and Ledgers’

6. Under ‘Registers and Ledgers,’ select ‘All for a company’ if you would like all necessary documents. Select ‘Specific’ if you would like to specify which Registers and Ledgers you require. 

7. To load your documents in Microsoft Word, click the ‘Send document to word processor’ button.

Note: If a pop-up appears stating there are unanswered questions, you can select ‘Don’t warn me about unanswered questions again’ and then click ‘OK.’ The pop-up is referring to missing information among the tabs in the left column of the screen. The missing information is not typically required for creating Registers and Ledgers. 

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